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We have years of proven experience of delivering all of the survey and assessments commonly needed through the planning and environmental regulatory systems; from small scale scoping studies,  to full suites of specialist surveys for strategic Environmental Impact Assessments and large scale mitigation and habitat enhancement programmes.


We work to British Standard 42020. 




Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)

The starting point for most projects, our PEAs follow CIEEM's reporting standards: British Standard 42020.  They advise our clients of constraints and opportunities on their sites and help plot a course to securing planning consents. 


Licenced Bat Mitigation

Our large and expert bat team can help with any bat mitigation you may need;  from swiftly registering your site on a Bat Mitigation Class Licence to devising, licensing and managing projects affecting large roosts of high conservation significance. 

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Ecological Clerk of Works 

Ecological Clerks of work have a vital role to play in ensuring the sensitive delivery of projects on the ground. Our ECoWs all understand the implications their advice has on project delivery and take a level headed approach that protects wildlife but keeps your project running smoothly.  

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Protected Species Survey and Assessment

You don't want your project held up by delays caused by inadequate surveys, but neither do you want to spend money on unnecessary information.

We pride ourselves on scoping the right level of survey for all protected species.


Licensed Mitigation Projects

We have years of experience of devising and delivering licensed mitigation strategies for all protected species, from closing badger setts, installing new breeding setts translocating water voles to complex multi-phased great crested newt mitigation. 


Biodiversity Management Plans 

A key feature of sustainable development is the need to design wildlife in. We have the expertise you need to create effective plans that work for nature and people alike. We work closely with landscape architects to ensure that schemes are coordinated and your site maximises its biodiversity credentials. 




Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)

Increasingly asked for, EcIAs are produced after key studies  have been carried out and the layout is fixed. The EcIA explains how the development has avoided, mitigated or compensated impacts on biodiversity.  EcIAs help the local planning authority measure how the site will contribute to  their 'no net loss of biodiversity' policy.


Ornithological Studies

Ornithological studies may be key to your project.  We have years of experience devising and delivering passage and wintering survey breeding bird surveys and vantage point surveys.


Construction Environment Management Plans (Biodiversity)

Since the publication of BS42020 it's usual for Local Planning Authorities to condition these.  They show how biodiversity will be managed throughout construction. 


Our reporting style is clear and easy to follow which is key  to controlling environmental and legal risks.

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